You Have Our Full Investment

We are your one point of connection to a world of hotels and destination
management companies. We will be an integral part of your team,
accessible during every phase, and to whatever degree you need support.


First, we listen.

We get to know every strategic objective and every logistical detail of your meeting. We also take the time to dig deeper, so we understand your company, your people, your culture, what’s worked, what hasn’t. What are you curious to try? What will you never try again? We love having these exploratory conversations. (Just need the basics and quick turnaround? We can do that, too.)

We enhance your RFP.

Once we understand your foundational requirements and critical needs, we translate those requirements into language that hotels and DMCs understand, showing them everything you bring to the table. RFPs from Global Meetings Portfolio stand out from the pack because they are thorough, detailed, and customized.

We collect and validate the responses.

When hotels respond, we’ll interpret their proposals, ensuring that they are truly viable for your meeting. When DMCs present their services, we will ensure that all of the elements, both creative and practical, are included. The focus is on much more than rates, dates, and space. We’re looking at a bigger picture—a destination that meets every need and offers you a sense of belonging.

We present your best options.

You choose how you’d like us to present your venue options. We can provide an at-a-glance summary or an easy-to-compare grid with whatever information you consider most relevant, from ballroom size to airport distance to online ratings. We can even build an in-depth slide deck with photos, floor plans, and more. The bottom line is that we’re not just forwarding hotel emails. We’re training our sharp eyes on each proposal, looking out for red flags, unique advantages, or special touches, and then highlighting and delivering that information in the way you want to see it.

We plan your site visit.

Seeing is believing! We highly recommend a site visit, your first opportunity to experience that true sense of belonging (or not). With our years of on-property experience and strong hotel relationships, we bring a unique added perspective. We’re happy to jump on a plane and accompany you, or coach you from a distance. Either way, we will arrange all the itinerary details including how to maximize your time in each destination. We will suggest our local DMC partner who can share more ideas on what you need to see and experience, who you need to meet with, and help arrange all your transportation.

We speak legalese.

Negotiation and contracting are solidly in our wheelhouse. Based on your time constraints and level of experience, we can bring considerable value to this process, whether identifying solutions or redlining contracts. Using awareness of your contract requirements and hoteliers’ standards, we can facilitate negotiation and suggest mutually agreeable contract clauses that match your SOP. Think of us as an extension of your risk management team.

We facilitate partnerships.

Whenever you are ready, we are happy to make introductions so that you can work directly with our—now your—hotel and DMC partners. We become one unified team. And when communication with the Global Meetings Portfolio team transitions from leading strategy to as-needed support, we always remain available to assist.

We respond.

Every event brings challenges and opportunities during the planning process or while on site. Think of us as an extra asset to deploy at any time to open dialog, troubleshoot, brainstorm, or come up with a creative solution. Throughout the process, we act as trusted advisors for our customers, hotels, and DMCs, leveraging existing relationships and experience in the field to ensure that a meeting meets its every objective.